Saturday, July 30, 2011

Elder Wall First Letter Home 7/28/11

The MTC is not to bad at all your super busy which is nice because when your doing the work you have the spirit so you don't really think of home. I'm trying to get lost in the work it's kind of hard because your mind is still in the regular world but your heart is with Heavenly Father. Ok enough being a "homo" haha my companion Elder Timothy is a cool kid. If you watch the movie Best Two Years he's the nerdy kid in there. Ya that's my companion, never kissed a girl, has never left Utah, glasses weighs 111 pounds but I admire him and love him already. He can't wait to serve and learn. The other two Elders in my room are Elder Hanks from Spanish Fork and Elder Winslow from Bountiful, there both cool kids. Elder Hank is probably my favorite he is human. Ha he cried the first night like me and he's also kissed a girl before and just wants to serve! It's crazy here though I love teaching the fake investigators! We taught a man from Italy, Checho was his name. He wanted to learn about us, he heard that the gospel was great from a friend. He was a Catholic and we came to find out that his wife and his three day old son had died, he hadn't baptised his son so he felt responsible for that tiny baby going to hell, which is what Catholics believe. It almost made me cry, he was so happy to hear what our church believes in. I love you guys a lot and miss you but keep close to the church and pray often, it is what gives me comfort.

Love, Elder Wall
"Church Is True"

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